Saturday, March 15, 2014

Rebecca and Jacob's wedding.

 Rebecca is married! Her husband is Jacob. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple on 
March 8, 2014. 
 Rebecca is a beautiful bride.
 All the cousins waiting for Rebecca to walk through the doors.
 Rachael Jensen is Rebecca's twin sister. 
 Brigham, Ryan, James, and Carson Coon
That is the room Mary lynn and I got sealed in, right there!
 Some of the girl cousins taken pictures!
 Grant and I
 The older newly weds, Scott and Shelby Tietjen. They were married after Christmas.
 Hannah body guard... Uncle David Jensen gives Hannah the ok to move.
 Annie and Abby
 Gloria and Hannah
 The Coon family... missing two people, brother Matt and their mother, Marylynn. She passed away 20 years ago. Kelli, Rob, Paul, Laurie, Dad, Brenda, Ron, and Grant 
Grant and Jill family minus Katie.

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