Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Washington DC tour with EVMCO choir

 Annie and I flew to Washington DC with the Batts & the Curtis' for the EVMCO choir performance in our Nations Capital. We were not there for very long - 4 days. But we were able to see a few things and enjoy the life of DC. We rode the metro a ton getting the girls to and from recordings and practices. We went to the holocaust museum and the National Art Museum and the Smithsonian.

 The Holocaust museum had a revert hallowed feeling about it! It was very humbling but also interesting how it all happened. I came away with a love for freedom and liberty!

 This saying hit home. I think we justify a lot because we are not one thing or another.

 Outside in the beautiful sunshine!
 Walking to the Strathmore concert hall! Look how green and beautiful it all is.

 Waiting for the concert to begin...
 Incredible performance by all the conductors, Jenny Oaks Baker, the choir, and the orchestra. It is a blessing and honor to be apart of this beautiful program!!!!

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