Thursday, December 18, 2014

That is my little boy...

This is my little James. He is such a cute little guy. He was the BEST baby. Easy going, happy, obsessed with trucks, motorcycles and balls. He was so blonde and had big beautiful blue eyes. Now he is 18 years old. Still loves trucks, motorcycles and balls. He is still easy going, happy and fun to be with. He is starting his last semester of his senior year. Then he will be gone on his mission.  Time is going way to fast. Wish he could be little for just one day!
 First day of Kindergarten at Noah Webster.
 Faces of

setting up our Christmas cheer!

 We are a little late getting up our Christmas cheer. But we will be keeping it up a little longer this year, because our Hermana Coon will be coming home on January 2, 2015. We all wanted her to be home for Christmas. So we have decided to celebrate our Christmas on January 3. The day after she gets home. As of today she will be home in 2 weeks.  I only have 2 more letters from my sweet daughter as a missionary. I am going to enjoy and embrace the next 2 weeks.

 Grandma Dayley gave each on her grandchildren a hallmark ornament for their very first Christmas as a baby. Annie and Hannah are holding their "First Christmas" ornament.

Christmas Piano Recital

 Annie played the dance of the sugar plum fairies!  Both girls had their pieces memorized! 
 Hannah played Frosty the snowman at Ms. Julie's piano recital. 

Mormom winter formal

Torrie Derrick asked James to the Mormon Winter Formal last weekend. 
They had a lot of fun! I am looking forward to more pictures from the photographer. Such a great girl!

Board of Review... DONE!

 James had his board of review on December 11, 2014. He passed with flying colors. Grant showed up to the church in his hunting gear... camo. It was a different look for my city slicker. But we were glad he made it off the mountain on his elk hunt.  He looks like a "tree"....

Monday, December 8, 2014

James turns 18 years old!

My only son is now a legal adult. He can hold puppies at the pet store, he buy dry ice, spray paint and vote! I was thinking back over James birthdays and realized I have spent his birthday with him for lunch since he started school. We have gone for his "free" birthday lunch to Joe's farmhouse and Joe's BBQ together for years.  I am thankful he still likes to spent time with his mom.
While eating at Joe's BBQ we saw the something weird. A dog sitting in a baby stroller in the restaurant. I am shocked at how animals have become babies to people. I guess I am the weird one that doesn't want a pet... EVER! I like my children. 

Driving on James birthday we saw his dream car!  The new 2014 Corvette. Had to take a picture.
We had the annual flexing picture. James didn't want to flex but he humored me. Every year we weigh, measure and take pictures. To see how much he has changed that year. 

This was the gift he thought he would never get... a new wake board! One that is so light and he will be able to do tricks with. He was shocked and happy!
Tuesday night a few friends dropped by to have cake, ice cream and hang out. 
Chandler Follet, James, Reagan, Braxton, Annie, Hailey Johnson, Hannah and Braden Shumway

Riley Packard came a little later.
Kami and Brecklyn came after cheering for a basketball game! 
Hailey Johnson and James.
Braxton Owens
Chandler Follet and James
We played the airplane game. It was funny! 

 We did not have a candle, so we improvised, a lighter. It worked great!
 James is one of those young men everyone likes. He is the young man that helps the little old lady at church to her seat, takes the sacrament to the widow or sick on in our ward. He had a goal to take out girls in our ward for the 16th birthday. He took out Megan who is special needs and has a crush on him, for her very first date. It made her year! James became the young man all the moms loved. I love his light, fun heart. He has such a great sense of humor and laugh. It is one of his "Gifts".  Everything is more fun with James around. I love how he is so good to his sisters. He doesn't have a brother, but that doesn't bother him. He will wrestle, throw balls, jump on trampoline, race, play tag, with his sisters. He treats them kind and like they are important to him. I love that about James. On Thursday James will have his board of review and become an eagle scout. He has applied for BYU, we will see how that turns out. He is going to start his mission papers in February. He goes to mission prep class every week. James is just an all around great young man. I am happy and proud to be his mother.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Highland High Winter Formal

James was asked to go the Winter Formal with Brecklyn Allen. Such a cute girl.
 They went to dinner at Benihana for dinner. Then went to Brecklyn and Kami's uncle's funeral home. (Todd Allen, my friend from mountain view high school, is the uncle of Brecklyn and Kami) Which was a little freaky. They saw a few dead bodies. Then they went to the dance at Highland High school. Then back to one of the girls house for a movie and hang out.

Cute group of kids!