Thursday, December 10, 2020

Soccer is in full force

Hannah is playing soccer again this year, 2020. She took last year off and was ready to start again. Coach Mack called us in March to let us know he would be coaching again and wanted Hannah on his team. She has played 5 years and has only been on his team. He is a hard coach with high expectations. But we really like him and he is helping Hannah become an amazing soccer player. 
After a tournament in Phoenix we went to pita jungle for dinner. One of our favorite restaurants!


Grandma Dayley retired from working at the Hospital and she has been so busy quilting and creating beautiful baby quilts. This is the quilt Katie picked out for her Baby Ben Boyd. 


October 26

Katie is 25 weeks pregnant! We are so excited for this little boy to come to our family.

Labor Day fun a Roosevelt lak

For Labor Day we met Laurie, Katie, Will and Colby at Roosevelt Lake for a day of fun! The weather was not to hot but the wind was blowing white caps and it was rocking the boat. We found a cove and stayed behind it and the water was a lot calmer.
Little Will Hillabrant is such a great boy. He is always up for the adventure and loves to be in the water. 

Grandma Lala (Laurie Tietjen) and Colby. Colby did not like the boat as much.

 Katie and Will Hillabrant

November 2, 2019 was the presidentially election, Donald Trump vs Joe Biden. We are Trump supporter! We want President Trump for 4 more years. Don Trump Jr. came to Arizona for a presidential rally. Mom, Dad, Lee and I went to support and he his son! I worked for the group that was out to encourage members of The Church of Jesus Christ to get out and vote. Only 48% of members actually voted in the 2016 election: Donald Trump vs Hilary Clinton. Our nation is at a turning point. We are literary fighting for our freedoms. There are so many trying to take away our liberties and country and turn us into socialist. It is scary! I love America and pray for our nation to turn to our Savior and his commandments.


Happy Birthday Grant Boyd

We are thankful you were born! We are thankful you married out daughter Katie. You are a blessing and a great improvement to our family.  Happy 28th birthday to you! We love you


Thursday Instant Pot cooking class

We all have instant pot pressure cookers and we all needed lessons on how to cook with them better. So on Thursday morning 10:30 we meet for a cooking class. We each take a week to plan and menu and give assignments out. We have made, soups, chicken with rice, Mexican chicken burro bowls, Italian lasagna, creamy tomato chicken. We are making some delicious meals!!

 We have even made pumpkin bars and homemade bread. Annie, Katie, Grandma Dayley, me.